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About Medimusic

Our mission

MediMusic’s mission is to ethically leverage the power of technology combining algorithms and artificial intelligence with music to clinically dispense music as medicine for the benefit of multiple physical and psychological conditions.

We all self-medicate with music. Some of the great thinkers of our time – Confucius, Plato, Tolstoy and Einstein to name a few – have all extolled the benefits of music to health and well-being. The power of music to influence the brain and the autonomic nervous system is immense, causing positive hormone secretions that can only have a fundemental effect upon the human physiology. 

In fact, the science is solid. There’s over 25,000 paper and 40 years of research that support music’s ability to be beneficial to our health.

We are a growing team who are passionate about music and our mission. Consisting of a panel of world class scientists and experts, along with a blue chip management team and staff deeply embedded in the MediMusic drive and culture to achieve our objective.

Our team

Martin Hunt

Martin Hunt


Gary Jones

Gary Jones

CEO & Co-Founder

Matt Weldon

Matt Weldon

CTO & Co-Founder

David Zarmalwal

David Zarmalwal


Pete Downton

Pete Downton


Chris Wiggin

Christopher Wiggin


Mindy Daeschner

Mindy Daeschner

Strategic Advisor

Lisa Kinch

Lisa Kinch

Operations Manager

Elenor Weaver

Eleanor Weaver

Catalogue Manager

Ellie DaBell

Ellie Dabell

Research & Trials Manager

Simon Hayre, Head of Development

Simon Hayre

Head of Development

Our Scientists

Dr Jon Whilliamson

Dr John Williamson

Formerly of The Crick Institute

Prof Jim Deuchars

Prof Jim Deuchars

School of Biomedical Sciences, Leeds University

Dr Elaine King

Dr Elaine King

School of Music, Hull University

Prof Mark Sandler

Prof Mark Sandler

Centre for Digital Music, QMUL, London

Dr Ming Hsu

Dr Ming Hsu

Music Therapy Research, ARU, Cambridge

Dr Emma Wolverson

Dr Emma Wolverson

Hull University. Research Lead, Dementia UK

Dr Katherine Finlay

Dr Katherine Finlay

Pain Lab & CINN, Reading University